Introducing Brassmoney - Banking made for professionals

Brassmoney is a new current account made for people on the move and their households. The world is constantly evolving and there has never been a better time for entrepreneurs, artists, creators, technologists, and young professionals to assess their finances on the go. The app was created as a better, more useful, and thoughtful way for professionals to manage their income.

Introducing Brassmoney - Banking made for professionals

After successfully creating a greatly improved and world-class banking solution for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Nigeria, Brass decided that it was time to do more. It was time to create something for the entrepreneurs, the professionals, and the freelancers behind these enterprises, thus, Brassmoney was born.

Brassmoney is a new current account made for people on the move and their households. The world is constantly evolving and there has never been a better time for entrepreneurs, artists, creators, technologists, and young professionals to assess their finances on the go. The app was created as a better, more useful, and thoughtful way for professionals to manage their income.

Here are some of the current features that the app offers;

  1. Budgeting

    - Brassmoney allows busy professionals to manage their income better. You can create personal budget items and allocate an amount to each category on the app. This function can also be automated so that once there is an inflow, you wouldn’t need to manually input the amount under each category. This saves you time so that you can focus on other things that matter while we take care of your income for you.

  2. Recurring payments

    - After automating your budgeting needs you can schedule recurring payments to be made to those budget items. This is especially useful when you have items that you’re paying for in instalments.

  3. Shared account

    - We understand that money is a touchy subject, but its importance in a relationship cannot be trivialised. This app feature was created with couples and their households in mind and is aimed at making it easier for young couples to manage their finances better and become financially transparent with each other.

  4. Safe to spend

    - This feature puts a cap on your spending limit and calculates how much you can safely spend daily/weekly/monthly. It helps curb excessive spending and ensures that you’re on track with your budget.

Another exciting feature in the pipeline is Instant pay. This is a feature that allows you to withdraw a portion of your salary interest-free on the first withdrawal of the month at any time.

Getting started on Brassmoney

Brassmoney promises to be an account for both the young and old who need a better grasp on their finances. To get started, visit the App Store or Google Play Store to download the app and apply for an account.

To learn more, visit our website at

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